23 September 2023 

The Women’s Rights Committee launches a new phase of its equality campaign. The new awareness drive is focused on equality in corporate governance, and follows the publication of a study by statistics body IMSEE on the gender pay gap.

The centrepiece of the campaign is a set of three images, showing women at the heart of corporate decision-making. It aims to get people thinking about how women are under-represented in key positions, whether in senior managerial roles or on company boards. True gender equality in the business world requires both sexes to play an active part in strategic decision-making.



The Committee’s campaign is a response to statistics published by IMSEE, showing that women hold just 27.9% of the seats on Monaco-based firms’ boards. Two other figures illustrate how gender equality in corporate governance is a worldwide issue. The first shows that women are under-represented in senior managerial roles in strategically important functions (as opposed to support functions, such as human resources). The second highlights a link between a company’s size and the likelihood of it being led by a woman. The bigger the firm, the longer the ladder to the top, and the higher the chances of a woman finding herself held back by the glass ceiling.

Like the previous campaigns, this one is built around visuals and an animated film designed to promote the message and the inclusive slogan “A Place for All…”.