

“You Can Make History” campaign for International Women’s Day 2022

  The Women’s Rights Committee this year ran a new information and awareness campaign.  Read about some of the highlights below.   Campaign film This year’s audiovisual campaign was based...

Workshop: Unisex jobs

Students at François d’Assise–Nicolas Barré high school (FANB) took part in a thought-provoking workshop on the theme “Unisex jobs: a generational issue? Professional stereotypes, from influencers to accountants”. Organised by...

Campaign for International Women’s Day 2021

The 2021 campaign focused on raising awareness about abuse among victims themselves, as well as among their families and friends, by highlighting the message: “To escape abuse, you first need...

Act No. 1,517 reforming provisions on prosecution of sexual assault is passed

Last night, the National Council voted to adopt Act No. 1,517 reforming provisions on the prosecution of sexual assault. The new Act, passed by the National Council with the support...

National Council votes to adopt Act No. 1,523 on the promotion and protection of women’s rights by the amendment and repeal of obsolete and unfair provisions

Yesterday, the National Council passed Act No. 1,523, on the promotion and protection of women’s rights by the amendment and repeal of obsolete and unfair provisions. The new Act, passed...

Publication of the IMSEE study on the gender pay gap.

  When it was founded in 2018, one of the Committee’s first acts was to commission a study from IMSEE, the Monegasque Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, to measure...

“A Place for All in the Boardroom”

The Women’s Rights Committee launches a new phase of its equality campaign. The new awareness drive is focused on equality in corporate governance, and follows the publication of a study...

App-Elles integrated into Monaco’s digital ecosystem

About the app App Elles is a personal safety app developed by Nantes-based nonprofit Résonantes. It is designed to help prevent violence against women in two ways: By providing a...

App-Elles: the app created to prevent violence against women

As part of efforts to eliminate violence against women, the Women’s Rights Committee partnered with the charity Résonantes to develop “App-Elles”, a new personal safety app released in Monaco and...


International Women’s Day: collective work of art to be unveiled on 8 March

As part of the #8MarsMonaco (#8MarchMonaco) campaign, the Women’s Rights Committee is this year focusing on the protection of women’s rights and the law of the sea. Both of these...

Mesures for preventing violence against women

In order to deal with domestic violence during the period of confinement, the  Women’s Rights Comittee has just published a fact sheet on the aid and emergency mesures available in...

Publication of first annual report

The first annual report of the Women’s Rights Committee was published recently.

Programme for 25th November 2019

The programme for the day features interactive theatrical performances at The Princess Grace Theatre organised in partnership with the Soroptimist Club of Monaco.

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Communication campaign and programme for the day

#8MarchMonaco campaign

This awareness campaign was held to mark International Women’s Day on 8 March 2019. Photographs taken by the artist Mr Oneteas were displayed in the Principality. This campaign helped involving...