
The Committee

The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights was created on October 25, 2018 by Sovereign Order. Its missions are to promote equality between women and men and to fight against violence and discrimination against them. It responds to the recommendations of international bodies in the field of women’s rights. This Committee allows the Government to develop its action in a coordinated manner and in consultation with other institutions and civil society.

The government’s commitment

Women’s rights are a key issue for Monaco. Over the last few years, the Principality has acceded to international conventions under the auspices of the UN and the Council of Europe on combatting violence and discrimination against women and on promoting gender equality. This commitment also seeks to change and include society as a whole.

In creating a Women’s Rights Committee, the Prince’s Government took the decision to go further, placing women’s issues at the core of its priorities.


The Women’s Rights Committee has been set up within the Ministry of State and is chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Members of the committee include:

The Minister of Foreign Affairs
and Cooperation, who chairs the Committee

The Country Women’s Rights Officer

The Secretary of Justice

The Minister of the Interior

The Minister of Health
and Social Affairs

The Secretary-General of the Government

Representatives from the National Council

The Chair of the Economic, Social and Environnemental Council

The High Commissioner for the Protection of Human rights,
Freedoms and Mediation

Representative from the Council of the Commune

The Head of the General Inspectorate of the Civil Service

The Director of Human Resources and Training
for the Civil Service

The Director of Education,
Youth and Sport

The Director of Employment

The Director of Social Welfare and Social Services

The Director of the Monegasque Institute of Statistics
and Economic Studies

The Police Commissioner

The Director of Health Affairs

The Director of Legal Affairs

Representatives from Women’s
Right Organisations

Isabelle Berro-Amadeï
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation / Committee president


Céline Cottalorda
Interministry Delegate for Women’s Rights

Samuel Vuelta Simon
Secretary of Justice

Lionel Beffre
Minister of the Interior

Christophe Robino
Minister of Health
and Social Affairs

Marc Vassallo
Secretary-General of the Government

Béatrice Fresko-Rolfo
Elected at the National Council,
Presiding the Familiy’s Right and Equality Commission

Christine Pasquier-Ciulla
Elected at the National Council

Marie-Noëlle Gibelli
Elected at the National Council

Caroline Rougaignon-Vernin
Chair of the Economic, Social and Environnemental Council

Marina Ceyssac
High Commissioner for the Protection of Human rights and Mediation

Chloé Boscagli-Leclercq
Elected at the Council of the Commune

Jean-Laurent Ravera
Head of the General Inspectorate of the Civil Service

Christophe Orsini
Director of Human Resources and Training
for the Civil Service

Jean-Philippe Vinci
Director of Education,
Youth and Sport

Pascale Pallanca
The Director of Employment

Marie Thouvenin-Rapaire
Director of Social Welfare and Social Services

Alexandre Bubbio
Director of the Monegasque Institute of Statistics
and Economic Studies

Jean François Mirigay
Police Commissioner
Chief of the The Criminal Investigation Division

Isabelle Kessedjian
Pharmacist Inspector
Health Products Department

Aurélie Montet
Division Manager
Departement of Education, Youth and Sport

Florian Botto
First Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

Frédéric Pardo
Director of Legal Affairs

Magali Ginepro
General Secretary
Department of Justice

Evelyne Karczag-Mencarelli

Valérie Campora

Chantal Ravera
Femmes Leader
Mondiales Monaco

Véronique de Millo Terrazzani
Union des Femmes Monegasques

Alessandrina Aureglia-Franzoi
Zonta Club Monaco

Vibeke Thomsen
She Can He Can

Louisette Levy-Soussan
Action Innocence

Caroline St Marc
Action Innocence

Natasha Frost
Pink Ribbon

Elisabeth Lillo-Renner
Soroptimist Monaco

Johanna Houdrouge
Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises Monaco

Christophe Glasser
Fight Aids Monaco

Hilde Haneuse
Aux Coeurs des Mots

Bettina Ragazzoni
General Treasurer
Croix-Rouge monégasque
Executive Committee member

Patricia Cressot
Monaco Women for Finance Institute

Johana Damar

