

La Direction des Services Judiciaires

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National Council

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Monaco City Hall


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High Commissioner

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Economic, Social and Environmental Council

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Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace

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Monaco Statistics (IMSEE)


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Action Innocence

In 2002, Ms Louisette Lévy-Soussan Azzoaglio, the association’s President, emulated Valérie Wertheimer, President of Action Innocence Geneva, and established Action Innocence in Monaco. In October 2014, the Monaco branch of Action Innocence took off, becoming fully independent and known as “Action Innocence Monaco”. The association’s objectives are:

  • To inform and raise the awareness of young people, parents, education and healthcare professionals, and institutions about the risks and undesirable consequences of Internet use;
  • To promote safe Internet practices through
    prevention sessions;
  • To pass on and share its experience and expertise;
  • To combat online child abuse.

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Aux Coeur des Mots

L’ association est placée sous la présidence d’honneur de S.A.S le Prince Albert II de Monaco et bénéficie du Haut Patronage de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie. Elle a pour objectifs :

• Promouvoir la non‐discrimination et l’égalité des droits entre les filles et les garçons, l’accès de tous les enfants à l’éducation, l’autonomisation des femmes et toutes les actions qui permettent d’agir dans ce sens.
•  Créer chez les jeunes une prise de conscience des inégalités et des discriminations en s’appuyant sur des objectifs éducatifs, en permettant à la jeunesse de s’exprimer et ainsi de l’intégrer activement dans le débat sur l’égalité. Faire évoluer les comportements de la jeunesse vers une meilleure empathie et une plus grande tolérance.
• Créer une communauté « Aux Cœurs des Mots » grâce à la langue française qui est le vecteur de communication au sein de notre association

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The Association d’Aide aux Victimes d’Infractions Pénale (Association for Support to Victims of Crime), or AVIP for short, was founded in July 2014 against the background of Act No. 1.382 dated 20 July 2011 on preventing and punishing specific acts of violence.

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Femmes Leaders Monaco

The Femmes Leaders Mondiales movement was created by Founding President Nicole Barbin in 2002. The Monaco Committee was established in 2010 by Hilde Haneuse Heye. The main goal of Femmes Leaders Mondiales Monaco is to reduce inequality between men and women.

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Pink Ribbon Monaco

Founded in spring 2011, Pink Ribbon Monaco aims to help educating people and raise awareness regarding breast cancer prevention and screening.

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SheCanHeCan was formally known as GenderHopes. GenderHopes was established in 2011 as a Monegasque association seeking to end discrimination and gender-based violence. Having always worked to combat violence against women, GenderHopes has spawned numerous local initiatives and in 2013 created the website www.monacosaysnotoviolence.org as well as leaflet which was distributed throughout the country to inform and help victims of domestic violence in Monaco. In September 2017, GenderHopes refocused on a new mission and became SheCanHeCan.

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The Soroptimist International Club of Monaco was founded on 4 November 1978 by Ms France Delarue Ballet under the patronage of H.S.H. Princess Antoinette of Monaco. The women-only club has been working in service of others ever since, with an approach based on understanding and friendship, and is fully dedicated to alleviating suffering and offering support in various forms. It meets on the second Thursday of every month at 8.30 pm.

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Union des Femmes Monégasques

Created in 1958 thanks to a small number of Monegasque pioneers, and with the gracious support of H.S.H. Prince Rainier III, the Union des femmes Monégasques (Union of Monegasque Women, UFM) has the following goals:
• At a national level, to protect the interests of its members and their families, and to provide them with moral support and material assistance if required.
• At an international level, to promote women’s empowerment, their involvement in decision-making at all levels, uphold human rights and eliminate all forms of discrimination, encourage sustainable development and work towards equality and peace.

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Zonta Club

Zonta International is a leading global organisation of professionals empowering women worldwide through service and advocacy. The Zonta Club of the Principality of Monaco was established in 1994 by 20 women who were determined to get involved with the work of Zonta International and to use their experience and knowledge to support their ideas.

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Fight Aids Monaco

Fight Aids Monaco (FAM) was founded by Princess Stéphanie in 2004 and works to combat HIV and AIDS.

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Croix-Rouge monégasque

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Association des Femmes Chefs d’Entreprise de Monaco

The Association des femmes chefs d’entreprises de Monaco (Monaco Association of Women Business Owners) brings together various individuals from unconventional backgrounds who boast real expertise in their respective fields. These are women who contribute a great deal to Monaco’s economy and demonstrate a clear desire to get involved in the Principality’s overall development.

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Monaco Women for Finance Institute


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Entreparents is a new parenting support community to help new and future parents feel less isolated and better informed.

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AS Monaco Football Club

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AS Monaco Basket

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AS Monaco Football Féminin

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Mission Enfance

Cette organisation de Solidarité Internationale a été fondée en 1991, en France et en Principauté de Monaco, par le Père Stéphane Aumonier, pour “porter secours aux enfants en détresse dans le monde”.

À Monaco, cette association humanitaire a été agréée par le Ministère d’État du Gouvernement Princier le 15 juillet 2010 (Arrêté Ministériel N° 2010-350). Mission Enfance – France et Monaco – est présidée par Madame Patricia Husson. Son principal axe d’intervention est l’éducation. L’association opère directement sur le terrain, avec ses équipes locales, afin de réaliser ses programmes humanitaires.

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