19 July 2024 

Les Rencontres Philosophiques de Monaco once again held their annual PhiloMonaco week this year, bringing philosophy to the people of the Principality. As in 2022, there was a whole day dedicated to the theme of Women, with a busy and varied programme.

The day began with the “Matinale” at La Condamine market, which the Committee attended. Introduced by Sandrine Negre, the event was an opportunity for members of the public to ask questions and discuss issues to do with sexual equality, lingering stereotypes and their effects on women’s lives. Events like this effectively complement the Committee’s own work, and it is not only pleased to see them held in the Principality, but particularly delighted by the way they are received by Monegasques, who attended this Women’s Day in numbers, and engaged in lively dialogue and debate.


The rest of the day was given over to three more events in Monaco, touching on issues central to the cause of women’s rights:

  • Philosophy lunch: Is there a female people? (and do they need to rise up?)
  • Lecture: Female desire and pleasure
  • Control – the hold of domestic violence