25 January 2024 

The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Women’s Rights presented its fifth annual report on its activities in 2023 at its plenary meeting, which was chaired by Isabelle Berro-Amadeï, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, and attended by representatives from Monegasque institutions, the Department of Justice, government departments and associations working to promote women’s rights.

Isabelle Berro-Amadeï opened the session by recalling that “in a world in pain, bruised by conflict, health and climate crises, women are increasingly victims of violence and discrimination. More than ever, it is our task to remain vigilant.” She highlighted action taken by the Department of International Cooperation and the country’s diplomatic efforts in the various international forums working in favour of women’s rights.

At the national level, the year 2023 was focused on youth and training, with:

  • Two campaigns for young people: one on 8 March on the new generation of women in sports, and another on 25 November to raise awareness about on-line violence against women and girls.
  • Training for 99 professionals who deal with domestic violence, and training on sexism at work for 167 civil servants and employees of the State.

The year 2023 also saw the reinforcement of efforts to fight violence against women with the adoption of a bill on compensation for women and children who have experienced sexual abuse and domestic violence, along with other forms of harm to people. Monaco also joined the community of countries using the “App-Elles” personal safety app.

Women’s Rights Officer Céline Cottalorda pointed out that “we must target the young generation to change how people think.” She added that she knew “the subject required patience and a lot of collective goodwill.”

2024 will therefore be a year for joint action, with:

  • Ongoing measures to raise awareness among young people.
  • Expansion of training initiatives against sexism and violence.
  • The joining of forces to promote the development of common measures.

After thanking all stakeholders and members of the Committee for their involvement, Isabelle Berro-Amadeï gave the floor to Saida Abouid, a consultant in Geneva and specialist in women’s and girls’ education, who made a presentation on women’s rights in the Arab world.

The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 8 March on International Women’s Day. It will bring together everyone committed to this cause, over the course of a day, in a unique venue at the Espace Léo Ferré.

For more information: https://dfm.mc/publications/